

Sunday - 8:30AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ

We participate in local and global mission.  We have four general ways we reach out to share God's abundance.

1. We reach out through the denomination to do national and international  outreach.

2.  We partner with local churches and agencies to meet need.

3. We have particular projects our congregation has adopted.

4. We encourage our church members to be active in the community. We understand that our civic life and our community depend on volunteers who give of their time, resources, and energy.  Many of our members serve on local boards of charitable agencies, with our Main Street Program helping preserve Madison's historic character, in local offices, or as volunteers.

PCUSA Mission

We are a connectional church, and that means together we can support mission and ministry around the world.  Every year, a portion of our giving goes the work of spreading good news and meeting need.  

  Learn More

Special Offerings

We collect 4 denomination-wide offerings during the year that address particular needs:

1. One Great Hour of Sharing (hunger, development, and disaster assistance)

2. Pentecost (young people)

3. Peacemaking

4. Christmas Joy (church leadership)


Back Sacks

Many of our members can be found Thursday mornings putting together back sacks full of food that get distributed to children at our local schools who have been identified as having food needs.  Currently more than 300 children are served.

Salvation Army

We partner with the Salvation Army to provide Thanksgiving Baskets, Christmas presents thru our Angel Tree, and to serve a meal annually.

House of Hope Food Pantry

The House of Hope is a coalition of churches in Jefferson County that organized to provide food and support for families in need.  Church members volunteer in the office, and work on the floor.

Street Mission

Spearheaded by Dave Adams, our congregation reaches out to the homeless population in Madison, helping with basic necessities and occasional housing, or transitional assistance on the pathway to housing stability.

Rent & Utility Assistance

Our deacon's raise money and distribute assistance with rent and utilities.  Applications can be made in the church office for assistance, and are processed with a set of guidelines.t.

State Hospital Christmas Party

Every year we throw a party at our state mental hospital.  We bring gifts and goodies and some cheer to the season.

Kid's Closet

This new initiative has church members working closely with our local schools to provide clothing and toiletries for students.