What We Believe


Sunday - 8:30AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service

Madison Presbyterian Church Core Beliefs


We are part of the community of those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Sovereign and Savior. We accept the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as God's Word. The Bible reveals God to us, and guides human belief and practice. 


Through Jesus Christ we are a community gathered to worship God. We recognize our complete dependence on His grace and power, through the Holy Spirit. Having received love and grace, we demonstrate our faith through actions that share that love and grace - relieving human suffering, seeking peace in the world and striving against all causes of injustice.


We are a congregation continuing to learn from our past, acting in the present to build for the future. Strengthened by our diversity, our individuality and our leadership, we are committed to serve as faithful stewards of our Lord, Jesus Christ. 

Worshiping God

We are part of the family of God.  As a Christian family, we seek to practice the generous hospitality of Jesus Christ, who welcomes all. As a worshiping family, we seek to enhance and expand our experience of God in worship.

Disciples of Christ

As a family of Christ's disciples, we seek to grow in our understanding of God's grace and God's claim upon our lives.  Loved and claimed by God, we wish to serve God well.  We grow as God's agents through study and through practice. Much of what Jesus calls us to in life are practices of forgiveness, compassion, generosity, kindness, and these are things we can get better at.

Historically Rooted

As an historic Presbyterian family in a contemporary setting, we are rooted and grounded in the Presbyterian Church USA, and we are relevant to and active in the world. We are traditional and today. We honor those who have gone before us, and rejoice in those who are yet to come. 

Learn more about our Presbytery here:  

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Madison Presbyterian Values

Spiritually Alive

If you are looking for a community that feels powerfully connected to God, senses that God is at work in exciting ways, growing our faith and service - that is who we are. We nurture the prayer life of our people and are growing in spiritual practices that shape our lives and our relationship with God.

Embracing our historic Community

Madison has a unique number of historical homes and buildings. Our church is more than 200 years old. We recently fixed our front entry doors - keeping their historic character. We have strong connections to historic preservation groups and it's one of the ways we participate in our community.

Encouraged to serve

Our members are supported and encouraged in their desire to serve - to help create a better world and address need. We find life and purpose in volunteering in the community, supporting Madison, supporting other charitable groups, or volunteering through our church. Pictured above is a volunteer at the Backsack program - providing food for hungry children

Love our Music

Music is a big part of our life together. Most Sundays our organ fills the sanctuary and our choir sings classic choral compositions. Our bell choir and children's choir perform several times a year. We also host free classical concerts in our sanctuary several times a year.


There is room for all to grow in faith and understanding and to participate in the life of the church.  Whether you like studying scripture, caring for grandparents, playing with babies, or making things, you can put your gifts to work here. Pictured here, the entire congregation gathered outside to dedicate our new "Inspiration Station" - providing Bibles and spiritual support to anyone in the community.


We are not just called to love God, we are called to love one another. We celebrate each other, and support and encourage each other. We are unique individuals who appreciate the unique gifts of each other.